Melanin glasses-just naturally occurring melanin-filter the wavelengths of visible (especially HEV)and UV light in proportion to their capacity to damage retinal tissue , reduce transmission potential damage is higher but maintain transmission potential damage is lower . By contrast , standard UV-protected lenses merely block particular wavelengths , leave the eye exposed to other harmful and completely unfiltered light .
Melanin Glasses Enhance Vision By Reducing Glare
Just the black paint inside a common camera , melanin in the eyes
reduces stray or scattered light . When the time goes by, UV and HEV
damage to the retina, along with one’s gradual loss of melanin , limit
the eye’s natural ability to reduce glare and maintain sharp contrast .
Melanin glasses filter UV and HEV light that would otherwise cause
reflection and scatter within the eyes , thereby significantly reducing
glare and increasing visual contrast .
Melanin Glasses Maintain Color Perception By Not Blocking Light
Sunglasses that block HEV light (blue blockers) produce significant
color distortion. Lenses that preserve colo have
limited capacity to block HEV light .
By absorbing light proportionally across the spectrum is not only simply
blocking high-energy light but also reducing harmful HEV light without
compromising color perception .
1)Without lenses, color perception is normal , but HEV and UV light pass unfiltered to the eye 2 ) Harmful HEV light is blocked but color is distorted ( blue blockers )
3) Harmful HEV light is blocked and color perception is maintained (Melanin lens)