Prescription Dive Masks

We offer 4 dive masks produced in our lab with your exact prescription.
- For strong Astigmatism our Prescription Dive Mask uses an insert for the prescription.
- The Classic, Enhanced and Universal Prescription Dive Masks place your exact prescription in the mask lens. No stick-on lenses, bonding or insert.
Sphere Correcting Masks
- If the cyl correction for Astigmatism your prescription is 1.50 or less, our sphere correcting masks will provide good vision, without the added expense of the full prescription goggles,
- Our Opticians will calculate the sphere equivalent of your prescription for the best vision.
- Available with bifocal lenses
- Available as "Gauge Readers" if your distance vision is good, but need near correction to read your gauges.
3M© Press on lenses
- If your prescription sphere correction is +/farsighted, or your distance vision good and you need correction to read your gauges, 3M© Press on lenses, are a quick, easy and inexpensive method to transform any dive and snorkel mask into a Prescription Dive Mask.
- Our Opticians will calculate the sphere equivalent of your prescription to provide the best possible vision.
- Bifocal correction can be obtained by using 2 lenses cut in 1/2 providing near and far correction for each eye.
- If your distance vision is good, but you need correction for reading your gauges, a single lens cut in 1/2 will provide you with the ability to read your gauges.
How To Determine Mask Fit
- Measure from one outer corner of the eye to the next with a ruler straight on your nose bridge.
- This is your width measurement. Use a straight edge, not a tape, for accuracy.
- The eyebrow to the upper lip area will be your height measurement.
- Compare your measurements with the mask dimensions listed in the product information.